
Some players have created their own YouTube channel! Serial, the developer created a channel called Defly io. It has 42k subscribers as of 5/6/21. It mostly streams tournaments.

Below are the channels including Serial's channel ranked in subscriber count sections:

200k subscribers - 1M subscribers

50k subscribers - 100k subscribers

10k subscribers - 50k subscribers

200 subscribers - 1k subscribers

100 subscribers - 200 subscribers

50 subscribers - 100 subscribers (incomplete)

10 subscribers - 50 subscribers (incomplete)

There are also currently subscriber races between some of these channels going on. The channels are shown below:

Race to 250 subs:

Race to 200 subs (ended):

  • Mr Skill (220 subs) **Partial content
  • Orca B (183 subs)
  • Mr Skill has won against Orca B in this race

Race to 50 subs (ended):

Fastest Growing channels:

  • Reload - This channel was created a little more than two months ago and is already at 67 subscribers. On average, one subscriber a day, 7 subscribers a week, 32 subscribers a month. And this channel is just getting started.
  • Mr Skill - Welp, you know what? A skillful player ain't afraid of scary players like The Feared. Mr Skill is faaast! Settle down here at 220 subscribers.
  • Average noob marks the third place - This channel is recently growing faster than it's past months. It's at 42 subscribers right now.
  • Official Defly Podcast - A channel that is almost like Defly io's second channel. This channel is growing fast recently and continuing to grow. The videos are usually elite tournaments.
  • Hero8514 - Usually a pretty slow channel, but until recently, 24 subscribers in a week! This channel is currently at 213 subscribers.
  • Drome - This mentions views, and this channel has great great growth so far. But hey, 100 views after one day of making videos? Pretty good. This channel is at 11 subscribers.

- Honorable mentions: Defly io is sixth on the list and is the one we all honor

This page is incomplete, feel free to edit it. (But pls make sure info. is correct)
