
This is a little project I've been saving. Here are some of my recommended defuse tips that may help you get better at it.

Red team[]

  • When playing as basic copter, it is best to be builder since it has max speed, and it'll be easier for planting. Playing offensive will not work very well for this copter because it doesn't have fast bullet speed or range, so that is why it's better to be defensive. Save up your money to become builder for this copter, or plant is what I think best. Using 2 grenades would be good at the start because it will be easier to break bases so you can plant easier, and when you do plant, that is where you can become a builder. Grenades are a good choice at first because it still plays offensive when the copter doesn't. After you plant, it'll be best to play defensive and build around the bomb. If you still have one grenade left, it'll be best to use and break blues base while they try to defuse.
  • When playing as the drone, it is best to become a shooter, since it has very good shooting stats. Playing offensive would be best for getting to the bomb. Using grenades would make it full offensive. Since you have to be brave to play offensive, I'd say you need a shield with 2 grenades. Shield for your own defense, and grenades to make it better for getting to the bomb. After you plant, you'll have to look all directions to where the leftover blues are so you can let the plant explode. If you see a lot of blue territory, you should grenade it. Don't go chasing all the leftover blues in one direction, you'll have to go in all directions of the bomb, unless someone would sneak in the other way and try to defuse. You still have hope though, because defusing takes 10 seconds, and when you see on the mini map that they break your base, you know their defusing, and the mini map alarms you that they are defusing, so go quickly and try to stop them.
  • When playing as the shotgun, you will have to play offensive. When a player gets to close, shoot them as soon as possible. Don't take your time aiming at them because you could die. The shotgun fires bullets around you (like the shape of the repulsive shield in copter royale.) If players are very far from you, it'd be best for you to become builder, but you never know what to expect. The shotgun has about the range as the basic, so it'd be best to do builder. The grenades won't be included because you don't need them for this copter (and it'll take too much money) because breaking the walls with this copter is INSANE. Like for example, you can break a full tower health dot in 2 or 3 shots, so that is why you need no grenades. Breaking wall stats and building stats are amazing for this copter, so this copter will often be used for hybrid. After planting, make a base right next to the blue base, so you can be safe from dying, and it'll be good fr breaking walls since it doesn't have good range. Also note after breaking a wall, you can still kill a player along with the wall.
  • When playing as the mini sniper, you will have to play offensive. The range is amazing for this copter, so it is best to do shooter. Since you will have to play really offensive, you will need a shield, and a grenade. Grenade for a little offense, and shield for your own defense. When losing the shield, you can decide whether you keep fighting, or shoot from a base. If you wanna play it safer, you can shoot from a base. If you're a risk taker, you can keep fighting from outside your base. This copter has great range, so once you use the grenade at the base,you can shoot the second it explodes so you could kill someone. It is most likely since it has high speed and range. Reload doesn't necessarily matter for this copter. After you plant, you'll have to shoot outside your base, so it'll be easier for players to not get to the bomb.
  • When playing as the other drone you'll have to be hybrid. Like the shotgun. It has great reload as a difference, but you'll have to get close to a player to kill them. Since using max tower health doesn't work for this copter, you'll have to use one, and a grenade. When you use the grenade to get up to the bomb, build around some of the damaged area to make it easier. After you plant the bomb, you will have to be defensive. Just keep building until the bomb explodes while your team takes care of everyone else.
  • When playing as the sniper, you will have to play hybrid. The sniper is very slow, so you'll have to use tower health, and that is it. When you see players going through open spaces or little paths, shoot them. When a player chases you, shoot them. Since the sniper will be impossible, to break full tower health barriers, use 2 grenades. Try to sniper all the players around you afterwards before you plant, like when the grenades explode. If you don't, you will probably die, since you don't have tower health. After you plant the bomb, shoot from the base, since the copter is the slowest out of all. If you still have a leftover grenade, you can shoot it at their base, and you can shoot afterwards to kill someone.

Blue team[]

  • When playing as the basic copter, you'll have to become builder. The shooting stat is bad, so defend the bomb until red plants it or so. Then, use a grenade or two to build around the bomb to defuse. Use max tower health, and max grenades for this to work out.
  • When playing as the drone, it'd be best to play offensive and kill the players. It is better just to shoo them off outside of your base, which can also work for being defensive. When defusing the bomb, you'll need a shield with two grenades. Playing offensive while trying to defuse will be safe with the shield, and the grenades will make it easier to defuse.
  • When playing as the shotgun, you'll have to be hybrid. Build around the bomb spots for defense, and break the red walls to make things easier. After breaking the walls, build around them to get caught up with the players. When defusing, you'll have to build close to the red edges, so it can be close enough to shoot them. When that is finished, defuse.
  • When playing as the mini sniper, you'll have to be offensive. Always go to short paths and shoot the players so they can have higher chances of dying. When defusing, aim for the layers outside of their base and shoot them. Use grenades to make it easier, then you'll get to defuse.
  • When playing as the second drone, you'll have to play hybrid. Always break the walls of the enemies because it has high reload. Then build behind to make it easier. With the one grenade, you'll have to save it when defusing. When defusing, you'll have to hide behind your walls and use the grenade, and shoot.
  • When playing as the sniper, it is bet to go on the short paths since the bullets go really fast and the path is barely big enough for the playing to escape. When defusing, you'll have to use grenades if the walls have max tower health. Try to sniper a player the second their walls break, then it'll be a close success to defusing. Since you have 2 grenades, and there are 2 people at the bomb, you're most likely to win.

Campers and Clotheslines[]

There are a lot of campers in defuse. Some just hide in a wall you can't break because the black walls are blocking them. Grenades are the best choice to stop campers. After the grenade explodes, rush through before they build the wall again. The best choice is to build a dot through their connecting wall, because you can't build through the other teams dots. Then, try to kill the camper.

Clotheslines in defuse are common, just like in other game modes, but defuse clotheslines are clotheslines that form behind black walls, like a softlock. Grenades will be good for this issue, since it can break the dots of the clotheslines. Most players use these clotheslines to camp easier. These help blue players protect their bomb spots as well, depending on the map.

Earning points[]

Earning points in defuse is something we should focus on. Building doesn't give you points in this game mode. Unlike other game modes, the coins you earn from points don't give you half, they give you the exact amount. Here are some really great tips of getting points:

  • Break walls. Always to the weak ones, because it is easier to break them. As explain before, the shotgun is useful for breaking walls, so use that if you want to break any type of wall.
  • Kill AFK players. There are average amounts of AFK players that just rely of chatting, and they might not notice when you kill them. Sniper would be good for this strategy because they have far bullets, and your bullets could kill them when you're off screen. You should also try to wall them, because it may seem unexpecting that they are AFK and crash into a wall. This isn't really needed, just to surprise them.
  • Plant and defuse. It really matters if you get there fast enough. If you're a builder than don't really build for someone else to defuse, just defuse if you really need the points. It is also very generous to build around the player for someone to defuse so they won't die (recommended if you're one of those players.) When planting, rush to the bomb when everyone is dead at a bomb spot. Then keep it protected so it can be a success. If you don't, you're probably just missing out on the points when they explode.
